Body Cooling and Healthy Exercise

Body Cooling and Healthy Exercise

Brought to you by Cool on the go


With a global consciousness about obesity and overweight, most people are turning to some form of exercise, whether in a gym, jogging or cycling among others.  Outdoor cooling is one of the problems associated with physical effort, especially in the summer. If you are not in the peak of condition, there is usually that unpleasant hot, sweaty energy-sapping feeling.  Sure, you know that as your fitness factor improves, it will get better, but throwing water over yourself for body cooling is only a brief respite.

Whether you are hot from pounding the pavement with your feet, or with wheels on a bike, a fresh outdoor cooling breeze that suddenly wafts across you always brings some welcome relief. Now, wouldn’t it be great if you could sustain that body cooling sensation for about 4 hours! Cool on the go is a mini fan, but before you have visions of some bulky, propeller spinning operated device, be assured it is not one of those. Neither, is it a misting operation that either soaks your clothes or disperses into the air around you.

This is a portable fan that directs a flow of air, which you are able to adjust to your body cooling preferences. Regular exercise, with increased physical activity no matter your age, can add years to your life. However, instead of a hot factor, make exercise enjoyable with a Cool on the go mini fan!

It is a fact that the more you exercise, greater are the benefits and with the incentive of a Cool on the go mini fan, you could find the gym or road work not only feels better, but is helping to improve the results. Engaging in physical activity is health maintenance. An outdoor cooling advantage can influence your exercise sessions, and therefore, your body condition.

Purchase your Cool on the Go

Cooling Fan

By: Rey Cantin