Monthly Archives: March 2015

Finally, the only desk fan you’ll ever need

The temperature outside is definitely rising as we enter the mid-month of summer. Even indoors the temperature can be too hot to handle when whoever is in control of the thermostat keeps it regulated in one position. What that means is you’re probably looking for a way to keep cool and comfortable while sitting at […]

Baby Stroller Fans

Depending on where you live in the world, the summertime days can often be long, grueling, and hot. In some places, it’s almost not worth it to leave the cool, air-conditioned house at all. Unfortunately, for some, it’s also inevitable. At some point, you will most likely find yourself confronting the realization that you need […]

What is the Best Mini Fan for People on the go?

With the winter months finally behind us, the sun is out and temps are rising again.  We can go outdoors without our coats on.  However, new seasons bring their own problems.  The problem with the summer is the heat.  As we move forward from spring to summer, the cool breezes are replaced by heat and […]

Saving Your Baby with Fans for Baby Strollers

Having a baby is stressful, whether it is your first or third. We don’t believe that parents take more care of their first babies than their third. We know, that as parents, you want the very best for each child. Above all of your own needs, you want your child to be comfortable and calm […]

Cool on the Go:  A Hands Free Personal Cooling System

It is the middle of July, as you look out the window, you see that it is a perfectly gorgeous summer day, a couple wispy clouds in the sky that are chased away by a slight breeze.  As you step outside, taking that quick walk to the car, you realize that it is so uncomfortable […]

Hands Free Personal Cooling System

With the summer months rolling in that means there heat is here to stay, at least for a while. Staying cool this time of year and still getting your much needed taste of the sun can be complicated. Hot weather tends to call for grumpy tired kids, sweaty parents and a whole lot of popsicles. […]