Cool on the Go:  A Hands Free Personal Cooling System

It is the middle of July, as you look out the window, you see that it is a perfectly gorgeous summer day, a couple wispy clouds in the sky that are chased away by a slight breeze.  As you step outside, taking that quick walk to the car, you realize that it is so uncomfortable that you start to sweat.  After a quick commute, you’re sitting at your desk in a climate controlled environment, thankful that there is enough time to cool off between meetings.  Just as you take your first breath, a dreaded email appears in your inbox: “Air conditioning is out, maintenance has been called.”  Thankfully, you were prepared for this very event.  Reaching inside your desk, you pull out your Cool on the Go portable desk fan, turn it up to high, then go back to work.

Optimizing your Office: Cool on the Go Portable Desk Fan

While the example above is an extreme circumstance, there are other times when you would need to use a portable desk fan in the office.  Oftentimes, when office buildings are built, the duct work will be a little off, creating hot and cold pockets.  During the summer if your colleagues get a little cold, they could slip on a sweater or plug in a portable space heater.  In the winter months, when you experience the opposite, and there have been a limited number of options that are cumbersome and unappealing.  With the Cool on the Go Lightweight Portable Desk Fan, you can cool your office off, giving you the comfort you deserve.

With its sleek design, the Cool on the Go Lightweight Portable Desk Fan is a great addition to any office.  While traditional desk fans tend to be wiry clip on fans, the Cool on the Go Lightweight Portable Desk Fan, is made of plastic, making it far more durable than the competitor’s models.  It is only six inches long, four inches wide, and a little over two inches tall, which makes compact enough to fit inside any office desk drawer.  Its head pivots, so it can be used for multiple things.  In addition to its traditional use as a cooling device for you, you can also use it to cool off your computer if it starts getting too warm.  This versatile portable desk fan, doesn’t only rely on batteries to operate.  It comes with a four foot USB cord, which you can use with the D/C plug included in one of their packages.

Cool on the Go Personal Cooling System

Customize Your Car: Cool on the Go Personal Cooling System

While in your car, there is nothing worse than being uncomfortable.  One of the more common discomforts in an older car is when the air conditioning goes out.  Usually this is a quick fix with a recharge of Freon, however, you don’t have the funding to get the service done.  By purchasing a personal cooling system from Cool on the Go, you will be able to cruise in a cool environment.  This cooling system comes with several different attachments, making it a very convenient way to cool off anywhere.  One of the attachments includes a clip, which you can use to clip the fan to the visor of the car, angling it with its pivotal head to blow on you, similar to the vents in your car.

Living the Life of Leisure: Cool on the Go Hands Free Personal Cooling System

While planting your springtime flowerbeds, you are greeted with pansies, marigolds, and petunias.  As the sun beats down on you (which you could have sworn was 20 degrees cooler when you first stepped outside), you start sweating.  Before our hands free personal cooling system, you would have reached a gloved hand up to your face, wiping it, smearing dirt all over your brow.  Now, you can maintain a comfortable temperature by wearing our cooling system on a lanyard, which will blow a nice chilled breeze up over your face, neck and shoulders.

For one of the most versatile personal cooling devices, Cool on the Go is a sure fire bet to keeping cool.